Monday, October 11, 2010

CHOIR starts TODAY!!!!

I am so excited! We are having our first after school choir practice today.  The kids will get two new Christmas songs, and we are going to have a great time!  If you noticed, we are not "Rhythm Jeans" anymore...we are now the Tatum Primary School Choir.  I am sending home a choir information sheet, and attached on the back is a Choir t-shirt order form.  EVERYONE needs a t-shirt, because we will be wearing it to perform in.  Parents and siblings are invited to order a choir t-shirt, also, if you would like to!  They are going to be Kelly green, and there is a sample of the wording on the order form. They are $10 each, regardless of size!
We are going to have so much fun singing together this year.  We always do!  I hope that Choir provides a positive, inviting, exciting, and joyful experience for your children as we learn and sing together!!!

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