Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Recorders for 3rd Grade

We will be playing recorders in 3rd grade music classes this year.  I will send home a note in a few weeks for you to order the recorders for your child. 
For the first six weeks, we will be reviewing note values, time signature, music symbols, and dynamics.  We will also be learning to read the notes on the lines and spaces of the treble clef.
Recorders are a wonderful way for students to learn to read notes and apply rhythms.  Students will be learning some things that will help them as they go on to band and choir in Middle and High school!

TPS Choir 2012

Parents of 2nd and 3rd graders, be on the lookout for a note about choir.  If you and your child decide it's for them, then please sign and return the form to me. 
Our choir sings at Christmas time at various places.  Our school, PTO meeting, Henderson nursing homes, and the Tatum Christmas Parade! 
We will order a tshirt to wear when we sing.  If kids already have one from last year, they will not need a new one unless you need a different size!
We will practice once a week on Mondays for an hour.  3:00-4:00
At 4:00, you will need to be at the school to pick up your child.  Please be considerate of our time, and pick them up on time! 
I am looking forward to singing and having a good time with Choir this year!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

"Kid" Composers......

Here are a few of our kid composers during our "Composer Game" this week!!!!

What's going on this week.....

This week in music, the K and 1st graders played instruments with rhythms, and got to be a kid conductor!  We had alot of fun!  The 2nd graders played a rhythm identification game called Mystery Music Message.  They had to work with a partner to identify rhythms I played, then figure out a mystery message.  The 3rd grade, of course, played their recorders.  If your 3rd grader isn't practicing at least once a day, they are going to have a hard time advancing in Recorder Karate.  We are now halfway through the program, and most kids have mastered the purple song.  We have 4 more to get to Black, and it is going to take some work! 
When we return from Spring Break, I will be letting the 3rd graders test on recorders, but we will be working diligently on our Music and Movement Program, which will be on May 1st.  I will send more information about the program home later.
Everyone have a blessed and safe Spring Break, get some rest, and be ready to work when you come back!!
Mrs. Q :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

More 1st Grade Pictures

This is Mrs. Burkel's class performing their accompaniment to "Halloween".

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

1st Grade Music

Hi!  Our 1st Grade classes are having fun with Halloween music for the next few weeks.  Last week, we learned a song called "Halloween".  This week we are adding an accompaniment using classroom instruments.  The kids already know how to read simple rhythms using quarter notes, quarter rests, and half notes.  The rhythms we are playing on our instruments along with the song are rhythms using these notes/rests.  They are doing great so far!  I have attached some pictures.  Hope you enjoy it!  Ask your 1st grader to sing "Halloween" for you!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Recorder Dojo

Happy Tuesday afternoon!
I told the kids about the Recorder Dojo today.  This is a place where they can play their recorder songs with an accompaniment.  It is a streaming audio.  There are also some other fun things there they can do.
This is how you get there...go to the Music K8 website - (there's also a link on my page) and go about halfway down on the right.  Click on Recorder Dojo, and it will take you to a sign in page.  The username is karate, and the password is rubric.  On the next page, go to "streaming audio" at the bottom of the page, and then they can click on the song they want to play with.  There is a choice of slow tempo or fast tempo to practice with.
Remember, kids....count beats, practice fingering while saying the notes, then attempt to play through the song.
Slow, warm air, NOT fast cool air - and cover your holes tightly!  Leaks cause squeaks!!
Good luck and remember, practice, practice, practice!!

Parents - please help your child if you can, and please help them to remember their recorders!! Their classes get extra points for everyone having their recorders on music day!!